DumDum and Jakass
DumDum and Jakass is an animated series created by Scott Kempler. This satirical series revolves around the two main characters, a Donkey named Jakass and an Elephant named DumDum, and their adventures in the zoo where they live.
The donkey and elephant, based on stereotypes of the political parties they represent, are constantly trying to sabotage each other.
Just like in real life, their plans always have unintended consequences and although they rarely impact each other, their behavior causes damage and harm to everyone and everything in their path.
The series takes place in and around a large zoo. Jakass lives in a barn and DumDum lives in a typical elephant enclosure.
DUM DUM the elephant
Identity: Republican. interested in capitalism, military-like weaponry, stubborn to a fault, holds a grudge forever, cares only about other elephants, thinks donkeys are jack-asses.
Interests/Hobbies: Likes to start “pop-up” businesses (that cater only to elephants), likes eating and counting his peanuts, likes playing with the balls that are tethered to the log in his pen.
Best Friends: Other elephants, maybe a rhino or bear
Dislikes: Charity of any kind, unless it’s for elephants. Animals he deems as lazy or dirty. Opinions that are not like his own.
Fears: Lions. Mice.
JAKASS the donkey
Identity: Democrat. interested in diversity and the public good, charitable and selfless to a fault, will not use a gun or military weapon, gullable, can fall for the same tricks over again, thinks elephants are selfish, slow and dumb.
Interests/Hobbies: Likes to get involved in ill-conceived charitable events that always have un-intended consequences, likes eating and hitting the hay, likes hanging around the barn with different visitors…
Best Friends: Sheep, Goats, chickens
Dislikes: Selfishness, dishonesty hypocricy, even though he can be all of those things, too.
Fears: Wolves. Foxes.